Thursday, August 20, 2009

transforming rv parking into a yard: part 2

fortunately for the men in my life, this yard-renovation was the type of project that required plenty of heavy machinery. macho machinery. the kind you have to rent and take back the same day, because it's too expensive to keep overnight (unlike library books or movie rentals).

step-1-big-macho-machine was a jackhammer. step-2-big-macho-machine was a rototiller. so, on a saturday morning in july, my husband and father left to acquire the muscle-machine. i, an industrious, non-macho person, stayed home and shoveled gravel.
incidentally, anberlin's never take friendship personal is a great gravel-shoveling album.

once again, we were very blessed by the help of my parents and a number of others who stopped in at various times during the day. i wish i had pics of everybody, but alas, i had a gravel induced migraine for most of the day.

this fencing was ostensibly a poorly erected attempt to contain the dogs mentioned in the previous post. i have no idea why it was there, since it was obvious from the amount of dog hair in the house that the creatures had never spent any length of time outside.

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