Monday, April 5, 2010

our weekend: the math geek version

12 liters of pop
430 square inches of brownie
6 bags of chips
5 bags of popcorn
15 cups of hot chocolate
16 thirteen-eighteen year olds
1 ten year old
4 adults
1 lotr fellowship of the ring extended edition
5 boys crammed onto the couch
10 seconds that the movie ended after the projected finish time of 5:30
2 very tired hosts
1 worship powerpoint to create
12:30 am before it was completed

5 am alarm
1 forgotten ham, remembered and chopped by joel at the last minute
6:30 am arrival time at shepherd's door shelter
108 chicken eggs
50 jello eggs
1 batch of pancakes cooked without oil on the griddle
5,000,000 pieces of fruit chopped by the author of this blog
20 women (approx.)
20 volunteers (approx.)
60 minutes of worship team practice
15 minutes of prayer time
1 will ferrell video clip
15 verses compiled for a worship verse reading
7 great worship songs
4 fortunes read at chang's by chip, bekah, lani, and joel
1 wrong turn
11 people at the farquhar's for dinner
50 percent of julie and julia watched before
2 tired people fell into bed.


Unknown said...

woah! what do you think of Julie and Julia, so far? :)

lani said...

we actually finished it last night, and i liked it. i thought the characters were great - really engaging and sweet, but i kept waiting for a plot conflict which only popped in the last 20 minutes of the movie, so that was weird. all in all it was fun. :)