Thursday, February 28, 2008

remember my last post?

i am never, ever, ever posting anything like that again.
not the pig part - that was fine. the house part. i jinxed us.

i posted at 3:11pm. (i'll wait for you to scroll down and check.) minutes later, joel calls.
"is our house in any condition to be shown?"

the answer was no. a big, fat, resounding no. i had decided the night before to organize our study - a bunch of file cabinets, drawers, and bookshelves which have been haphazardly moved 3 times since our marriage, but never organized. 2 drawers of the file cabinet are my untouched files from high school ... get the picture?
of course, one night was not enough to organize that mess, so i left the mess everywhere.
(the rest of the house wasn't that hot either.)

nevertheless, they were coming. so i missed an important meeting after work, tidied the house as best i could ... for the "show" must go on. (yeah, bad pun, i know.)

that was tuesday. wednesday joel called again at about 3:30pm.
"our realtor called. he got a call from someone who might come see our house. they didn't leave a number so we can't call them back. they might even have already come...
is our house in any condition to be shown?"

i froze to my desk chair. once again, no. (you'd think i'd have learned my lesson.)
and all i could think of was the, ahem, certain article of clothing i had left out on the bed during my changing frenzy that morning ... i'm not going in to details ... but let's just say i was hoping with all my might that these people had stayed miles away from our house and its contents!

what can i say? i'm a modest person.

i dashed home after work, hoping against hope not to find evidence of a showing. thank goodness, there was none. i cleaned the house and was enjoying my lovely evening, successfully making dinner (surprise, surprise), when there was a knock on the door.
the realtor (who spoke very little english), and a small family (who spoke no english), wanted to see the house. now.

they insisted that i not leave - they didn't want to inconvenience me.

there's nothing quite so "inconveniencing" as hiding in your messy kitchen, pretending to make dinner, while people chattering in chinese are going through your cupboards.

hopefully today will be a respite ... because the house is messy again.
(but there are no bras on the bed.)

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