Monday, October 12, 2009

random cupcake blog

... it's like a random update blog, except there's cupcakes in it.

so, joel and i have gone insane, but that's ok because most people thought we were a little off before anyway. now we can just say, "we're insane." and it's all cool. until the nice men in the white coats show up.

moving on ...

he's taking 16 credits this term (in addition to his full time job), i am in full swing with my new studio, and we are co-music-directing pocahontas together, among various other projects.

we're surviving the 7 day/week madness, mostly with smiles and laughter, and occasionally with panic attacks or arguments about who should walk across the room to stop the cat from destroying wrapping paper. that was a low point. but really, over all, we're doing quite well.

yes, yes, the cupcakes - i'm getting there.
last thursday my wonderful friend jessica came over and we made over 90 cupcakes for me to take to our neighbors. we had a wonderful time, and delivering the cupcakes was a blast! i had no idea there were so many sweet people in our neighborhood, and i can't wait to get to know them better.

though ... just my recommendation ... halloween is probably the worst time of year to deliver cupcakes to strangers. it takes a special measure of courage to march past a yard strewn with skulls and gravestones to a bloodstained door, insufficiently armed with pastries and a faltering grin.
wait til thanksgiving: much more welcoming.


Tim and Heidi Thomas said...

sounds like fun! we'll have to do that sometime together! i love the argument revolving around wrapping paper. i can totally picture it, lol. :)

Rebekah said...

I second the halloween thing--worst I ever did was trying to sell those Entertainment books door to door as a fundraiser in October. Creepy houses. Ick.

Kristine said...

and honestly, it probably takes some courage from them to take the cupcakes from you! what with all that scary stuff about crazy peeps putting razors in apples and stuff around halloween. but i know you didn't spike cupcakes! long story short, will you be passing them around my neighborhood next season? :)

Staci said...

I loved it in Facebook and I loved it in here lol